WVGS Race Rules

1. participant rules

1.1 Remember - you are responsible for you!

1.2 You must always wear your helmet when you are riding your bike at a WVGS event (even in the parking lot).

1.3 Your bike must be in good working condition and be free from hazardous attachments. Aero bars, bar-ends and similar attachments are permitted.

1.4 Your number plate must be attached to the front of your bike. Penalties for selling, trading, or giving your race number to another participant will result in disqualification of both parties from the race and potential disqualification from participation in the WVGS series events.

1.5 You must ride the same bike frame you start with throughout the race. Components may be repaired or replaced during the race. You may accept repair help, parts, and / or tools from other racers and race support (sag).

1.6 Personal listening devices (earbuds, speakers) are prohibited during the event.

1.7 Nearly Necessary Items. While you are solely responsible for yourself and your conduct, we strongly recommend that you carry with you during the event:

1.7.1 A way to navigate the course and to find your way should you get off-course (GPS device, cue sheets, map, etc)

1.7.2 A phone to call for support should you decide to withdraw and are lucky enough to be in cell range

1.7.3 Hydration and nutrition (enough to get you at least 150% of the distance to the next aid station)

1.8 The following items are recommended in WVGS Events, as they can save you a long walk or a long wait:

1.8.1 Spare inner tubes, patches, and / or plugs

1.8.2 Tire boot, duct tape, tire inflator, and tire levers

1.8.3 A bicycle multi-tool that has hex and torx keys to fit your bike

1.8.4 A chain took and chain quick links

1.8.5 The knowledge to use these items to repair your bike enough to get back on the road safely

1.8.6 Cash and / or card should you need to stop at a store (or bribe a ride back to the finish)

1.8.7 Depending on the weather, you may want to bring a jacket or extra layer, sunscreen, tinted lenses for your glasses, etc.

1.9 All pets must be kept on a leash and under supervision at all times. Pets must also be kept a safe distance from the race course. Some races do not allow pets. Please check the individual race pages for pet restrictions.

1.10 You cannot sell merchandise or display products for promotional purposes unless you have permission from the WVGS and the race director.

1.11 Statement of Inclusivity. As a series, we invite all athletes to experience gravel bike racing and strive to make each race a fun, safe, inclusive, and competitive experience for everyone. Harassment, bullying, or discrimination on the basis of race, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, or age will not be tolerated. Any race attendee who is in violation of the above statement may be asked to leave the event.

2. conduct of the event

2.1 The highest authority at WVGS events is the Event Director. It will be his/her sole responsibility to make final decisions on any controversial situation or difficulties of any kind that may arise during the race, in addition to any other race-related matters and / or decisions.

2.1.1 The Event Director also has the authority to modify the following: The course route at any time Modify the schedule of events for climatic conditions or cases of force majeure Terminate the race at any time due to climatic conditions or other reasons under for majeure In the case of extreme conditions due to weather or other circumstances that prevent the ongoing scoring of the Event or create an environment that is deemed dangerous for participants, the Event may be called off and the determination as to award points to finishing riders will be at the discretion of the Event Director and WVGS.

2.2 Abide by the formal rules of the road! All roads are open to traffic. For your safety, please be constantly aware of your surroundings and obey traffic rules. You are an ambassador of cycling - please represent the sport well! wvlegislature.gov/wvcode

2.3 The primary route must be followed at all times!

2.3.1 No short cuts or alternate routes are permitted

2.3.2 If you intentionally exit the course for food, supplies, or any other reason, you must re-enter the course at the same spot at which you left

2.3.3 If you get lost, you shall make every reasonable attempt to backtrack to the point where you left the course; or to re-enter the course as soon as possible and without gaining an advantage. Note “Advantage” is not defined by race position.

2.3.4 You must ride the entire course.

2.3.5 Short cuts will result in disqualification

2.4 Race Support. Feeding and / or “hand-ups” to a racer from a support person may occur on any part of the course, but must be clear of the start / finish lines with the following stipulations: 1) a non-racer pacing or riding with or alongside a racer is prohibited and 2) feeding must not interfere with another competitor

2.5 Passing Etiquette. A participant on his or her bicycle has the right-of-way over a participant pushing his or her bicycle during an Event. Lapped participants and those being overtaken by approaching riders shall yield the road (fastest part of the road when asked by another rider). It is the responsibility of the approaching racer to make their presence known, to announce their intention to pass by saying “Rider up” or “On your left (or right),” and to pass safely.

2.6 In the event two riders are vying for position, the leading rider does not have to yield to the challenging rider. However, the rider must hold the line and may not interfere with another rider’s progress.

2.7 Unsportsmanlike behavior, foul riding, use of inelegant profanity, or flagrant discourtesy directed at participants, spectators, or officials may result in disqualification.

2.8 Gravel bicycle riding is an individual sport, entering into agreement or forming alliances to control or alter the outcome of an event will result in disqualification from that individual event, however drafting on another event participant is allowed. Drafting on a non-participant cyclist, or on a motorized vehicle will result in disqualification.

2.9 If you withdraw from the Event or otherwise Do Not Finish (DNF), you must report it to the Event Director so that we can be assured you are safe and not lost in the wilds of West Virginia.

3. conduct of WV GRAVEL SERIES

3.1 Events Comprising the West Virginia Gravel Series.

3.1.1 Rollin Coal Shinnston, WV April 13th 2024

3.1.2 Kate’s Mountain Challenge White Sulphur Springs, WV May 18th 2024

3.1.3 GRUSK Circleville, WV July 11-13 2024

3.1.4 Lost River Classic Mathias, WV August 17th 2024

3.1.5 High Ground Gravel Terra Alta, WV September 28 2024

3.2 Event Distances

3.2.1 Each event shall have at least three distinct Distance Categories and each Event Director shall designate a short, medium, and long distance category

3.2.2 Discretion as to actual mileage of each Distance Category lies with the Event Director

3.2.3 The Event Director may offer additional Distance Categories, however, riders choosing to entry in those Distance Categories shall not be awarded West Virginia Series Points and Championship Awards.

3.2.4 Each Distance Category shall be timed and scored separately from the other Distance Categories

3.3 Rider Classifications

3.3.1 For each Distance Category (short, medium, long) the following classes shall be offered to participants as a Rider’s Rider Classification:

  • Long Course Men’s Open

  • Long Course Men's Single Speed

  • Long Course Men's 40+ Open

  • Long Course Men's 50+ Open

  • Long Course Men's 60+ Open

  • Long Course Tandem

  • Long Course Women's Open

  • Long Course Women Single Speed

  • Long Course Women's 40+

  • Long Course Women's 50+

  • Long Course Women's 60+

  • Long Course Male Juniors (12-14)

  • Long Course Male Juniors (15-17)

  • Long Course Female Juniors (12-14)

  • Long Course Female Juniors (15-17)

  • Long Course Non-Binary

  • Medium Course Men Open

  • Medium Course Men 40+

  • Medium Course Men's 50+

  • Medium Course Men's 60+

  • Medium Course Men's Clydesdale (220+)

  • Medium Course Men's Single Speed

  • Medium Course Gravel Race Tandem

  • Medium Course Women Open

  • Medium Course Women 40+

  • Medium Course Women 50+

  • Medium Course Women Single Speed

  • Medium Course Women 60+

  • Medium Course Women's Athena (200+)

  • Medium Course Male Juniors (12-14)

  • Medium Course Male Junior (15-17)

  • Medium Course Female Junior (12-14)

  • Medium Course Female Junior (15-17)

  • Medium Course Non-Binary

  • Short Course Men's Open

  • Short Course Single Speed

  • Short Course Men's 40+

  • Short Course Men's 50+

  • Short Course Men's 60+

  • Short Course Men's Clydesdale (220+)

  • Short Course Tandem

  • Short Course Women's Open

  • Short Course Women’s Single Speed

  • Short Course Women's 40+

  • Short Course Women's 50+

  • Short Course Women's 60+

  • Short Course Women's Athena (200+)

  • Short Course Male Juniors (12-14)

  • Short Course Male Juniors (15-17)

  • Short Course Female Juniors (12-14)

  • Short Course Female Juniors (15-17)

  • Short Course E-BIKE Men Open

  • Short Course E-BIKE Women Open

  • Short Course Non-Binary

3.3.2 The above Rider Classifications will be the only classifications eligible for West Virginia Series Points and Championship Awards
3.3.3 The Event Director may offer additional Rider Classifications, however, Riders choosing to entry in those Rider Classifications shall not be awarded West Virginia Series Points and Championship Awards.

3.4 Timing of Events and Results - All races are timed events

3.4.1 The Event Director has discretion as to the manner and method of the timing their indivdual Events. 

3.4.2 All Results, and their accuracy, is the responsibility of the Event Director.

3.4.3 Results shall be transmitted by the Event Director to Riders as soon as possible.

3.5 Protests must be reported to the Event Director immediately following the Event for the protest to be considered valid.

3.6 Awards ceremonies will follow the finish of the respective class.

3.7 Results become final as of the presentation of awards. 

3.8 WVGS reserves the right to make adjustments at any time to the Results and Championship Series Standings due to registration or timing issues, or evidence of a disqualifying event (cheating, course-cutting, poor behavior, etc.) that the Event Director cannot resolve prior to the awards.

3.9 The Event Director shall transmit Results in Excel format to the West Virginia Gravel Series within 24 hours of the conclusion of the Event.

3.10 The West Virginia Gravel Series will update Results and Series Standings to www.wvgravelseries.com as soon as practicable.

4. Championship Series Points

4.7 Collection of Series Awards/Purse.  West Virginia Gravel Series will collect from each Event Director a contribution of $5.00 per Rider. per Event for purposes of establishing a fund for Championship Series Awards. Race promoters are responsible for remitting funds to WVGS within ten (10) Business days following the Event.   

4.7.1 If the promoter is having a non competitive Event and/or offers a Rider Classification that is not included in the Championship Series, the promoter is not required to remit the $5.00 contribution for series awards/payout.

4.7.2 Tie Breakers The final Event of the series breaks ties. Example: Rider 1 & Rider 2 both have 400 Series Championship Points after the final Event points are calculated. The winner of that final Event is the series winner. If neither Rider completes the final Event, the Rider who completed the most Events in the series wins the Series. If both have the same amount of completed Events, the Rider with the most 1st place finishes, 2nd place finishes or 3rd place finishes, etc. will win. If still tied, the Rider who completed the series final Event is declared the winner. If they both complete the same last Event, that Event will be the tie breaker.

4.7.3 Championship Series Awards/Payouts WVGS will award the five (5) top Riders in each Race Distance and Rider Classification who are eligible for the Championship Awards (completion of four (4) events in same Race Distance and Rider Classification) a series Award/Payout. Totals for each class will be made upon a calculation of the $5.00 contribution for Rider in each Distance Category and Rider Classification. Total Award/Payout for each Distance Category and Rider Classification is calculated as follows:

4.7.4 The total Award/Payout will be paid as follows:

4.7.5 WVGS will provide Event Directors an accounting of Award/Payout collections and disbursements.

4.1 Riders will be awarded Championship Series Points bases on their finishing position in their Distance Category and Rider Classification.

4.2 For each Distance Category and Rider Classification, points shall be awarded to the Rider completing the race distance under their own power and in conformity with these rules.

4.2.1 Points shall be awarded as follows:

  • 1st Place = 100 Points

  • 2nd Place = 99 Points

  • 3rd Place = 98 Points

  • 4th Place = 97 Points

  • 5th Place = 96 Points

  • Additional Places are awarded Championship Points diminishing by one point for each successive finishing position. 

4.2.2 Riders who do not complete the race distance under their own power shall be scored a Did Not Finish (DNF) and shall be awarded zero (0) Championship Series Points

4.2.3 If an Event Director deems an Event to be non-competitive or if an event has to be terminated at the discretion of the Event Director, and riders will be awarded the maximum (100 points) Championship Series Points for the Distance Category and Rider Classification entered in such event. Example: If GRUSK is unable to hold a competitive event, all riders will be awarded 100 Championship Series Points for participation in the event. Riders must enter and participate in the Event to receive Championship Series Points.

4.3 A Rider’s ((Four 4)) highest Championship Series Points awards in a particular / single Distance Category and Racer Classification shall be added together to determine a Rider’s Total Championship Points.

4.3.1 Waring: If a rider enters more than one Distance Category or Rider Classification during the Series, Championship Points will not be added together for purposes of the Championship. Therefore, riders wishing to compete for the Series Championship are required to enter the same Distance Category and Racer Classification for at least Four (4) events.

4.3.2 Example: If Rider John Doe enters Race 1 in the Short Distance, Men’s Open, he will be awarded Championship Series Points. If he then enters Race 2 in the Medium Distance, Men’s Open, he will be awarded Championship Series Points, but those points will not be added together for Total Championship Series Points because the Distance Categories are not the same.

4.4 Riders are required to complete (enter and complete the race distance under their own power) a minimum of Four (4) events to be eligible for Championship Series Awards.

4.5 Should a rider complete all Five (5) events in the Series, the Rider’s lowest awarded Championship Series Points will be discarded in the calculation of Total Championship Points.

4.6 Example of Championship Series Points calculation: